BPMSounds.com was launched February 2012 by Pete Marte & Paul Aponte AKA Tony Romeo & Kid Quest. We are a website that streams DJ's, performers, events, and shows LIVE. We pride ourselves in giving our viewers the very best in online music entertainment. BPMSounds brings you the very best in audio & video quality, with DJ's & Perfomers from all over the world. Tuning in 7 days a week, you are sure to find your musical groove with us..
Our purpose here at BPMSounds is to give the DJ/Performer a platform to promote themselves and show off there talents.. Whether you are a seasoned veteran or a new comer, BPMSounds is the place for you. With millions of viewers to perform for, you will be on the ultimate stage.. We are the now... We are the future..

More music here

Team Member
Resident DJ, Qtee Love is head of our
Promotions & Marketing department.
Qtee Love
Patty Dukes
Team Member
Resident DJ, Patty Dukes is head of our
Events department which oversees events & parties.

Team Member

Resident DJ, Tony Romeo is head of our
Web Design and oversees all Site Maintenance.
Team Member

Resident DJ, Mister T heads up the bpmsounds mixcloud account to make sure you have even more music from the dj's you love.